Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stuff That Happened

The Last Snow Storm in April

There's a neato Eastern European Market on Colorado if you turn East and the north side of the block the Big 5 Sporting goods is on, say, a mile or two North of I-25.

I caught and ate a trout from Clear Creek.

There was a nice sunset the day I caught the Trout, as witnessed here from the Grocery Store in Golden

My job has one of these Pink Floyd The Wall Machines that grind things up:

A lot of other machines are just outside, as they dug up and are now re-paving the street.

We played Soccer on Table Mountain

Our numbers were small but the playing was fun. There was one knee injury sustained that we were able to successfully evacuate. Soccer on a mountain is truly a great idea. We ate food and saw cactus. Then the sunset happened.

Then I canoed down the Green River. Look for more photos in the blog I posted before this one. But here are two that weren't posted yet. From a cameraphone in the middle of the river.

I cooked and swam and drank and ate and learned that pirates wear ARRRRRRRRgile socks.

The Savage Ideal concert will happen July 17th. So I am working on a new live set. It's summer and there are so many things to do at once again. That's a good thing.

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